Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Breastfeeding Struggles

Friday, August 1, 2014
Day 4 and start of 5 of this
Yesterday didn't go so well. She sat on the potty for a good portion of the morning, and then she had 3 accidents all with in a 30 minute period. I was frustrated beyond belief. Needless to say, she didn't get any stickers on her chart yesterday, then yesterday evening we went out to some new friends house for supper. So we put her in a diaper.
I am praying that we have some success today, we will have 2 days of busy Saturday and Sunday so the training will be put on hold. And we will start again on Monday...I am not expecting it to be a quick lesson, things in my life don't happen as quickly as it does for others, but I have 10 weeks before Cadi's due date, so I am hopeful that she will have the hang of it by then😃
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Day 3
Today went ok, she used the potty first thing in the morning and sat on the potty off and on this morning...
She had 1.5 accidents. Both times she new something was about to happen but did make it to the potty at all the first time, the second one she started screaming and as we ran she started to pee, but we got most of it in the potty. I praised her, but the family phone calls didn't happen like they did this morning.
Tomorrow is a busy day, but we will do potty training in the morning and do what we have to the rest of the day. We might see some regression come Friday, but we will see. She is getting it...and I didn't cry today which was great. Also Saturday and Sunday I am not sure how training will go, but we will do our best.
She is also cutting a molar this week which has caused some problems with her behavior, but at least she seems to be making progress...
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Day 2 of Potty Training
oh my goodness, I feel so frustrated. I don't know what to do. She doesn't seem to understand the when I need to go, she knows she has gone, but the feeling before she just hasn't gotten it. I know it will take time, but i just am so discouraged. I am not very patient. and I struggle with my emotions of feeling like a failure are running high. Its not even 10 o'clock and i am already crying. Must be my pregnancy hormones. oh my word. This is what I hate the most about being a mom! I HATE POTTY TRAINING.
She is ready, I have seen the signs. That isn't in question. Its the teaching her the feeling she has before she has to pee or poop, that is my frustration...I just don't know how to teach that. She doesn't seem to understand the question.
Did I mention That I have already lost myself to tears, oh I have, well I need to mention it again. I am really looking forward to nap time, when I can put a diaper on her, I am frustrated beyond and tears are just flowing, because that is how I deal with things these days is tears...
Oh LORD, please help me to help her! I can't do this by myself.
I thought today would be better since yesterday was a disaster, but I guess I was wrong...stick with it Ruth, the first few days are going to be LONG hard days, but she will get it...she is smart. I just want a glimpse of hope that she is getting it.
We can do this
Monday, July 28, 2014
Potty training
Here we go again. 3 rd times the charm, right? I am so nervous this go around. I know Lilly is smart and she hates to be messy...
I have failed 2 other times, once I was newly pregnant, like 6 or 7 weeks and Lilly was just 2. The other, I tried a method that was suppose to work in 3 days. It was exhausting and I just emotional and felt like a complete failure. And now I have to succeed or it might be way after her 3 birthday before I am able to try again. I am hopeful, but still nervous.
Here I am, trying to do things differently. Letting her play outside, just setting a timer and trying not to stress. She is smart, and I am trying not to let my pregnancy hormones take over and I completely loose it. I have to remind myself that this will take time and just be ready for lots of accidents... But she will get it. And when she does there will be great big rejoice
The morning is over with no success (4 pairs of undies later), except that she did tell me she had to poop...we sat on the potty for 10-15 minutes with nothing and 2 minutes off she pooped in her panties. I am rejoicing now that it's nap time. I am pooped from trying to get her to use the potty. Praying she sleeps for several hours and then we will try again til dinner time.
I think tomorrow might be more of a play inside day and a more ritual sitting, but I still have to expect accidents or I will be so discouraged.
Friday, July 25, 2014
"How to Encourage your Husband"
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Destin 2014
Gary and I weren't really sure that we would be able to take a family vacation this year. We hadn't budgeted for it and we weren't sure about his work since Cadi is due in the fall, and we just didn't know if he got leave or not or if he was going to have to take his vacation for that.
My sister in laws family owns a home in Destin, and Philip and Sarah were going down for 2 weeks. They invited us to join them one of those weeks. My parents and my sister, Gretchen's family were going down for one of those weeks staying at a different house, so we decided it would be great to go when they all go.
It was a great time. Even though Lilly thoroughly detested the beach, she loved the Pool and we used every day but the one in which it rained the entire day.
Gary, growing up in Cape Town is not use to the calmness of Gulf of Mexico, but I think he enjoyed himself.
I enjoyed myself, even though going to beach as a mommy of a Toddler and 7 months pregnant is WAY different then 8 years ago(which was the Last time I was in Destin). I didn't do a lot of reading or sitting on the beach like I would of liked, but I did get some sun, but when you have a Husband and a daughter who can look at the Sun for 5 mins and become like a Native, this fair skinned girl gets jealous. We really did enjoy ourselves and we are grateful for Philip and Sarah opening up a week of their vacation for us to join them.
Terrible Twos or mommies sanctification
Lilly is generally a good girl, she is creative and funny and is usually imagining something...I think she takes after me in that regard. It use to take me hours to do a chore because I was in my own little world. I love that she plays so well by herself. She is very gifted and funny.
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Contentment in Life
She went for the first time, it grew in her heart
All of the children, so many children
Now Esther has 2.4 million children
She writes us and asks us to pray for them all
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
Joy of Movement
Thursday, May 1, 2014
Lilly's 2 year old Photo Shoot
Thanks Rachael Kulick! We love them, and Come October it will be a Family of 4 photo Shoot for Christmas!
Monday, April 14, 2014
Fear and Joy
We are expecting once again, and I couldn't be more thrilled. I have made it past the scary part and I am now in my 2nd trimester and 14.5 weeks pregnant. Last November was the hardest thing that has ever happen to me, to us. I dont want to go through another miscarriage. (who does right?)
But today, all day I have heard the lies being whispered into my ears that Dr Scott wont be able to find a heartbeat on Friday. Even though, every appointment up to now has been great and the baby is growing well, I just fear that I will experience that dreaded appointment once again. I want to be excited about this little one, I want to be Joyful that the Lord has blessed my womb once again. But I fear. (and all this could be do to the fact that I have not slept well in several nights, due to Gary being gone for two and a horrendous sore on my tongue that makes swallowing hard...I don't recommend biting your tongue. But in sleep deprivation is when its the hardest to fight those lies)
This passage keeps popping up into my life over the past 5 or 6 years
Do not fear, for I have redeemed you;
I have called you by name; you are Mine!
2 “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you;
And through the rivers, they will not overflow you.
When you walk through the fire, you will not be scorched,
Nor will the flame burn you.
3 “For I am the Lord your God,
The Holy One of Israel, your Savior (Isaiah 43:1b-3a)
I know that the Lord has all things under control, and that he has this baby in his hands, but I still fear. I can't wait to be reassured on Friday, after hearing that heartbeat and knowing all is well. and MAYBE we can find out what we are having. I know that GOD is Sovereign, Holy, Just, Merciful, and Kind. And I know he loves his children. I pray that My fears are calmed and that Satan will no longer snuff out that Joy by the whispers of lies that fill my heart and head.
I seek to find Joy in this little miracle that God is knitting together in my womb
Monday, March 3, 2014
Dora and Lilly's Second Birthday
Lilly has a slight obession with Dora the Explorer. With that obession I decided I would make her a Dora Cake. With lots of research, since I had never made a fancy cake before, I finally got a simply pattern to do, which could very possibly the way I will make all other cakes in the future.
Ezra's Birthday is the 28th of Feb so we they shared Sunday's Caines Bday Party. Lilly wasn't so sure about the Caines rendition of Happy Birthday and practically jumped in Mollee's arms. (when Mollee is around no one else matters)
Decoding Lilly
"poppie" is grandpa
"meaw" is memaw, Gary's mom
"Dretch" is Gretchen
"Moo moo" or "moallee" is Mollee
"saiah" is Isaiah or any harris boy
"boys" really any of her male cousins
"sushi" Lucy
Apple is all fruit
"Where'd go" where did it go?
"juice" is all liquids in a cup or Shoes
Friday, January 31, 2014
Polar Vortex
Tuesday morning I set out for Wal-Mart. There were a few flurries, but didn't think much of it. In the 10 min drive the snow on the road wad getting thicker. I ran into the store and by the time I came out 15 mins later the parking lot was white. I drove home...I got up our hill(if it had been 15- 20 mins later I wouldn't of been able to get up it). Jason my brother in law was 15 mins behind me and he didn't make it the hill. I was nervous for Gary, this was only his second time seeing snow let alone his first time having to drive in it. I called him at work told him schools were closing and he might need to come home before the roads were to bad. He finally left and it took him an hour and a half to get home (better then Jason did picking up the kids from school, his round trip was 7 hrs total). On Tuesday, Gretchen and the kids went sledding so I took Lilly out as well. She was not a big fan of the cold or snow, we only were out for an hour, but I enjoyed hanging with sister's and their kids. It's great being back.
Friday, January 24, 2014
Battle of the Wills.
Proverbs 13:24 "whoever spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is diligent to discipline him"
We were at a standoff, me and my daughter. Then Poppie came and saved the day.
Lilly had a bowl of cereal that she was carrying up the stairs. She let go with one hand and all the cereal spilled out onto the floor. Lilly, who doesn't like mess was distraut. I bent down to help her and realized I was the one doing the work. I asked her to help, that is when the battle of wills took place. And for 20 mins it was a showdown. After 5 mins of me asking her to pick it up, her screaming, then me having to implement discipline, I knew that if I gave up then she had won. So for the next 15 mins the process continued. All the while I was praying that God would help me stick to my guns and help me to discipline in a way that is pleasing to the Almighty. After 20 mins I felt I was loosing my temper and by Gods grace my dad was home. I called him down stairs, he sat down instructed her to obey and clean up. She did, a little hesitant, but she obeyed.
My mom told me afterwards "wonder who she takes after" I was that kid...I remember clearly sitting on the counter, my mom trying to get me to take my antibiotics, me refusing. Mom called dad, who was in St Louis working on his doctorate, he disciplined me over the phone, and I took the medicine. Looks like
Lilly has my strong will.
Lord help me to be a loving mother, a mother who doesn't squash Lilly's warm loving confident personality, but a mother who loves you more and who needs to obey your word and raise Lilly in the way she go.